Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Degree show piece

My degree piece is really difficult to photograph as it is opposite a staircase. To give an idea of scale the light over the picture is approximately 5meters high. 
It has been a very busy time. Getting business cards printed and organising an event as part of the Whitstable Biennale Satellite program which will take place the day after our Private View.  Nearly all done!

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Dylan Shipton - Artist in residence

Dylan Shipton is spending time as artist in residence in Uni over the period of our degree show. It will be possible to see a collaborative work done with a group of students if you come to our Degree Show! Today a few of us went down to Limbo Arts in Margate to see how his installation Punishment Park was progressing and to discuss the installation process.
The private view for this exhibition is this Friday at Limbo.
Next week some students will aid and collaborate with Dylan in installing a shelf installation. I have made an 'object' to be included in this. (a task given to us by Dylan)

Private View at Limbo done;
Shelf installation done;
Object installed...

My pendulum installed.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014


There is this wonderful  online zine  -------->

Following my engagement with objects I have contributed a couple of pages to a travelling zine project that they are doing at the moment.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Degree Show

And just to give you a taste this is a detail of my degree show installation see below.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Pre degree show

I am experiencing the frantic last few days to get my piece completed, also get the statement written and the research work done. Full on!

Pretty well everything in this photo has been altered in one way or another! This was taken at the very beginning of the installation process. I will post a picture of the work after the PV on 30th May!