Sunday, 23 December 2012


I had just finished my essay and had a canvas ready so I let rip. This is a post essay celebration!

Now you can see my problem! Before the end of this year I have to combine combine and select from all my different experiments to establish my way of working. I have been using my college experience to work on a large scale.

Seasonal Greetings


I decided to explore imagery related to Christianity and to experiment with incorporating film. The experiments with film have been interesting but so far not successful!

This is the largest painting that I have done so far.

Friday, 26 October 2012

College 'Open Day' Expo

It is open day in UCA this Saturday. Some of the third years have displayed their work in one of the corridor exhibition spaces. This piece was chosen to put into the show with them ...... a non studio picture to come later!

'I reckon that my body is in the way' is about the predicament of dealing with changing perceptions. In this case the protagonist is not only the brain but also the object. It is a statement about dyslexia.

This piece followed on from some screen prints that I did.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

My new studio space!

It is great to be back at college but a bit daunting at first! We are  sharing the studio space with the third years. The space is light and purpose built for painting which is brilliant. So this is the year of colour. The burka is on the back burner............but watch this space because I did a little filming with Aine a couple of weekends ago!
I have also been back in the print room. On the far right you can see a hint of what I have been doing, pinned on a bit of space that I have hijacked.
The seminar group that I am in is 'Shifting Attention/Shifting Perception'. It is interesting but "Oh so intense"We are all either unhinged or exhausted after the sessions!! But the overriding feeling is that I have chosen the right one of the five options. Great tutors.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Volunteering at the WHITSTABLE BIENNALE

I am volunteering at this years Whitstable Biennale I had been allotted to be general 'on hand' helper for Kieren Reed who is constructing a sculpture which is to function as HQ for the duration of the Biennale. In fact I get called to different locations to do anything from painting sea scout huts in preparation for an installation, to transporting large wooden frames in wild sea squalls to the shoreline, and running shopping errands. My work with Kieren has for the most part been to answer some of the many questions that the passing public have concerning the very visible TEMPORARY structure appearing on the beach; so that it can be built in time! Of cause I also get to see the process of constructing the sculpture.

and then this happened to the weather!

To see the finished article you have to come and visit the Biennale which kicks off this Saturday.
 Whitstable Biennale September 1st-16th 2012

A late update...  And kick off it did! I got some work invigilating Gareth Moore's Children's Films during the weekends. So now I know how to work a 16ml projector......thanks to Neil! I also spent the day helping with Jeremy Deller's  'Sacrilege'  (bouncy Stonehenge). What a brilliant work out and chance to  experience it.  (I might find a photo!)
There was so much exciting film and performance to see. Personally I especially liked Tanya Axford's 'The path Made by a Boat in Sound (3 down).
There was also a brilliant 'AIR' event and a great Satellite program. (so I have joined up and am now a Satellite member).

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Limbo Project

Access10 was a show that was put together so that I, along with a group of ex access students, could experience how we interated as a group one year on from our course at UCA. A blog was created for this show to aid with the selection process.  As the person who both instigated this show, and who acted as the coordinator I found it a learning experience. Sara Wicks our Access tutor generously gave up her time to help curate the show. Limbo is a great exhibition space in Margate. - check it out!

And yes my Burka was there!

..........   and more labels were filled in during the exhibition.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Thursday, 24 May 2012


This piece was a direct result of research that I did into peoples reaction to women who wear the full burka and hijab. The labels were filled in by members of the public who were asked to write a word, or some words describing a thought or a reaction towards this outfit. This all took place in Canterbury where until very recently the full burka has been rarely seen. The writings on the labels will form part of a future work.

Photo by Aine Belton

I chose this photograph because it could be anywhere. There is nothing to identify it with Canterbury unless you know that spot. I think that the ambiguity goes well with the burka.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Film Stills

I did an experimental film at college. It was the first time that I had done anything like this in my life and I enjoyed the challenge. The facilities are great here. I booked the sound studio and recorded some sound and voice effects. I then booked a project space and installed a set of prints that I had made some weeks back. (The installation is the image at the bottom).  I learnt a lot and bits of it work.....others are rather tatty!! I am still working on the old theme. I wore a burka to see how it felt and am currently collecting data from people logging how they feel about this garment and how they feel seeing me in it.


Reflected still image

Print installation

'Yellow,Red,Blue' mono silkscreen prints

Before UCA and Teaching! ... and that,s a long time ago!

Some people wanted to know what kind of pottery I did before I started my time at Thomas's teaching. Well these are two samples of my work that I actually quite like! And a little doodle put in for good measure! They are small pieces and stand approximately ten inches high. A furniture maker friend turned the wooden masks for me.

Monday, 20 February 2012


We had the possibility to choose from different skills options this term, and I chose printing. The workshops are still happening, but I thought that I would post some samples of my experiments so far. Things are going to get hectic soon with formative assessments coming up!



Here we experimented with projecting images onto a broken surface made out of different grounds and imagery. This piece was approximatly six feet high.

This was a painting constructed using differeent projected imagery to help build up the composition.

We also learn how to make a stencil and worked together as a group to made a temporary mural in one of the corridors in the college.