I am volunteering at this years Whitstable Biennale
www.whitstablebiennale.com. I had been allotted to be general 'on hand' helper for Kieren Reed who is constructing a sculpture which is to function as HQ for the duration of the Biennale. In fact I get called to different locations to do anything from painting sea scout huts in preparation for an installation, to transporting large wooden frames in wild sea squalls to the shoreline, and running shopping errands. My work with Kieren has for the most part been to answer some of the many questions that the passing public have concerning the very visible TEMPORARY structure appearing on the beach; so that it can be built in time! Of cause I also get to see the process of constructing the sculpture.
and then this happened to the weather!
To see the finished article you have to come and visit the Biennale which kicks off this Saturday.
Whitstable Biennale September 1st-16th 2012
A late update... And kick off it did! I got some work invigilating Gareth Moore's Children's Films during the weekends. So now I know how to work a 16ml projector......thanks to Neil! I also spent the day helping with Jeremy Deller's 'Sacrilege' (bouncy Stonehenge). What a brilliant work out and chance to experience it. (I might find a photo!)
There was so much exciting film and performance to see. Personally I especially liked Tanya Axford's 'The path Made by a Boat in Sound (3 down).
There was also a brilliant 'AIR' event and a great Satellite program. (so I have joined up and am now a Satellite member).